Hello Darling…

Your soul is calling… Are you ready to answer?

Akashic Record Readings

The Akashic Records are like a cosmic database which holds all of the wisdom and vibrational blueprint of your soul’s journey. This is a higher realm of consciousness that is entered through meditation, pure intent, and prayer. It stores the memory and information of every lifetime that has happened, is happening, or could possibly happen. This highly protected realm is a tool to help you unravel the mysteries of your life and connect with a higher version of yourself, and your spirit team, for guidance from the purest form of love. The Akashic Records can help like a navigation system to see where you have been and where you’re going. Obtaining the energetics and information for not only yourself, but all those connected to you; the wisdom from the records intend to set you on the course to your highest timeline and deepest soul alignment. The Akashic Records are a potent healing modality to help you navigate both your internal and external worlds, as you learn to merge to two together. From understanding past lives, relational contracts, trauma, and beyond, here you can dive into the depths of your soul and your psyche. This tool is here to give you a better understanding of who you are beyond your physical human form.

What are the Akashic Records?

You are limitless. You are timeless. You are love.

A reading might be right for you if…

  • You find yourself stuck in repeating cycles that no longer serve you. You are seeking guidance about relationships, career, home life, relationship to finances, inner child healing, blockages, ancestral trauma, and more.

  • You have a major decision to make. You find yourself at a cross roads in life, unsure of which path to take and which route would be the best for you. You are seeking guidance around this decision.

  • You want to know more about your cosmic lives, family, and guides. You want to dive deeper into your soul's unique journey and your mission here on Earth. You desire a deeper understanding of your role in this current transitional time in society.

  • You have old limiting thoughts and beliefs that you can’t seem to break free from.

  • You are curious about past lives you have experienced (on and off planet). You want to know more about how they still affect you in negative or positive ways.

  • You have made a self commitment to deep inner healing and need assistance understanding what you are struggling to see. You find yourself too close to something to see the whole picture.

  • You have been experiencing big changes or shifts in your life and you are struggling to find peace or reason within the events that took place.